Tuesday, 8 May 2018

What's planned for preschool this term?

This term we will continue to work with preschoolers on developing oral language skills. The children will be provided with opportunities to take turns and conversations and express emotions in communication and play. In our prelit program we will focus on phonological awareness and oral language development through story book reading. We will support children to use longer more detailed sentences and to correctly use pronouns such as he, she, they, I, you, his, her. Children will practice following 3 step instructions and sequence familiar stories correctly.

Storytelling Clipart

Numeracy activities will focus on counting forwards and backwards,  in additon to recognising numerals 1-10.  Other learning experiences will involve classifying and sequencing objects. We will also investigate shape and play maths games involving matching and counting. 

Kids Playing a Board Game Clip Art - Kids Playing a Board Game

At the library, the preschoolers will view the Children’s Book Council of Australia short-listed titles in the 2018 Early Childhood Book of the Year category. We will be reading the books and picking our favourite one. In August during Children’s Book Week we will find out the winning title and honour books.

alt="Library clipart free clipart images 2"

The social skills we are continuing to build on this term are turn taking, sharing, showing respect for others and  co-operative play. Our explicit teaching experiences will focus on self-management, developing self regulation, resilience and self-motivation.


Through our Fresh Tastes program children will understand that diffferent foods help their bodies to go, grow and glow. They will learn that go foods (carbohydrates) give us energy to run, play and jump. Grow foods have lots of protein and calcium to help build strong teeth, bones and muscles. Glow foods are fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy. During the term we will grow, prepare and taste some of these foods. 

Low GI Food List - Delicious Food Ideas

We will continue to extend and enhance fine and gross motor skills through a wide variety of play experiences. 

Wondering what you can do at home to build fine motor skills?

Let your child try this.........

Finger Strength and Isolation:   
  • doing up buttons and zips
  • finger Rhymes, such as Incey Wincey Spider
  • using tweezers and tongs to pick up objects
  • sqeezing droppers
  • using stickers                                                                            
  • drawing in shaving cream or wet sand
  • peg up clothes
  • lift up flap stories
  • using sticky tape 
  • sewing/threading activities
  • building with peg boards, paper clips, golf tees
  • peeling fruit, for example mandarins 
  • using spray bottles to water plants
Hand Strength:
  • squeezing wet sponges
  • action songs and rhymes involving tapping and clapping
  • clay, play dough
  • scrunching paper
  • hole punching
  • washing dolls clothes and wringing them out
  • lacing and tying
  • cutting, mixing, squeezing, rolling when cooking for example making pastry
  • hammering 

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